



HWTrek (Hardware Trek) is a unique home for connecting hardware enthusiasts around the world - an ecosystem where hardware Creators, industry Experts and smart Customers come together, boosting the development of hardware projects and delivering next-level products to market.

It can be challenging for new hardware makers to navigate industry certifications, troubleshoot problems, source parts and find reliable manufacturers. Teams in the maker movement are finding that without the right connections, their projects are running over time, and falling short on quality. Similarly, Experts have hardware solutions, components, insight and services. But, finding the right teams to connect with can be difficult.

On the HWTrek software as a service (SaaS) platform, whether you’re a Creator or an Expert, you’ll discover all the tools and resources needed to connect with the right business partner and collaborate together. It’s this supportive framework that speeds up development cycles, saves time, money, and delivers a quality product to backers.

For those seeking a hands-on service to complete the online and offline aspects of hardware development, our dedicated project managers can take the stress out of your journey; orchestrating a symphony of suppliers, manufacturers and testing facilities while you focus on what really matters - your product.